This page showcases how an article looks like
It can also have subtitles and a cover photo!
Let's start with some blocks of text
Paragraphs has bigger line heights, and also some margin around them. There isn't anything more to say about them...
Oh. Did I mention the lighter color?
You can also emphasize or highlight some parts. Links have a nice light color and they can be underlined.
Heading (like this)
Headings have some basic margin and bolder font.
Heres an example of an h3 heading
Heres an example of an h4 heading
Heres an example of an h5 heading
Heres an example of an h6 heading
What about lists?
- They have items
- Placed on top of each other
- Slightly padded
- With a little bit of margin
- Lists inside lists are also padded
We can order them like this:
- First element
- Second element
- Nested first
- Nested second
Can we use tables?
Why | not? |
They won't be | any special. |
Quotes are also nice
Developers are supported!
<script type="module" src="" />
<pre class="codeblock rust">...</pre>
fn main() { println!("It works!"); }
They will not be bigger than the article's width.
Source: Instagram
A lake somewhere in Hungary. An image can also have attributes. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Tenetur, minus. Maxime autem dolorum tenetur eos vero, sint dignissimos exercitationem quasi!
Embed YouTube videos
They will fill the horizontal space, while maintaining a 16 by 9 aspect ratio.